White Magic Witchcraft

White Magic Witchcraft


White magic is exactly what it seems! The exact opposite of black magic, white magic relies on spells, techniques and rituals that are healing, loving and in sync with the nature. I consider myself as a witch and being one is not about wearing pointy hats, flying on broomsticks or cooking weird recipes in huge cauldrons! Being a witch is actually about knowing the mystical powers of certain things, certain food items, certain combinations and practicing rituals that free the potential limited by your own logical mind.

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Different problems need different solutions. Whether it is about finding your soulmate or bagging your dream job, white magic techniques are a sure shot and fun way of manifesting your dreams to reality.

Learn White Magic

Even if you are not a harry potter fan, you can be a witch or a wizard without falling prey to the misguiding information associated with the term “witchcraft”. In my world, magic is not only possible but also accessible to one and all!

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