
Occult Sciences Neelam Gheewala

Demystifying the angel!

“Myztical angel” is how I have identified myself as a healer and a spiritual practitioner and it also happens to be my Instagram handle! (Instagram handle link can be added here). But underneath it, lies a simple, brutally honest, sometimes quirky and a full-time crazy person!

Hi! I’m Neelam Gheewala. And I am an astrologist, a psychic, a tarot card reader, a numerologist, a psychic medium, an automatic writer, face reader, dream decoder, angel healer & a runes caster and a busy cat-mom! Phew! Overwhelming …isn’t it?

Well…it isn’t! in fact it is exactly the opposite of it! These aren’t just techniques but wisdoms that not only simplify my life but also help me decode problems of others and guide them towards a healing path! Now that you are here, seems like you too believe in a higher power, a universal energy and in the fact that ‘everything happens for a reason’! “The divine timing” they call it! well, here is my personal anecdote of striking the divine chord!.

On a regular evening, a close family friend was relishing tea and snacks at our house as a seven-year-old me played in the corner. Soon, the conversation took a turn towards numerology and palm reading and before I knew, I was sitting next to the lady, with her palm in my lap. The lines and the wrinkles on the palm felt like cosy narrow lanes that I had always known and if followed, would lead me to my long-lost home! That was the very first palm reading I did, or shall I say, it happened! Elders around me had a sweet appreciation towards my confidence but what happened next was totally unexpected! weeks later, the lady was back to our house with bewilderment on her face as she confirmed that the events I had predicted, indeed came true!.

Yes, the divine knowledge flourished naturally within me, but its seed was planted subconsciously by my dad who had a keen interest in numerology. As a young girl, I was always surrounded by books on numerology, palm reading in the house. During my childhood, I recall events and conversations where events flashed in front of eyes and the words spilled out of my mouth, predicting the future. It would often give me goosebumps to hear something happen that I had already narrated!

How was I able to do it, without any formal training?

Keep reading and you will find the answer, just like I did!

In the year 2000, I bought myself my very first Rider Waite tarot deck! But it wasn’t until 2003 that I began practising diligently.

As an adult, I had the opportunity to travel around the world and explore different cultures. It was when I picked up modalities from Korea and Australia!

But the divine time was still far away and life was introducing me to different arts in which I found my talent and the personality I am today!

I have learnt and practiced professional theatre for about 11 years. An actor, is a vessel for the character to live in and I would instantly connect with the pain and anguish of my characters. I can recall several moments on stage when I was literally ‘living’ the suffering as I recited my monologue and only the sound of applause would bring back the realization that it is after all just an act. Little did I know that the empathy within me was not just a theatre technique but a spiritual gift!.

I also dabbled into interior designing for a few years and though the entire process did bring me closer at creating the right ‘vibe’ for a space, I was still waiting for my inner calling that came unexpectedly, in the form of a spiritual wave that washed away everything while also showering and drenching me with eternal love!

Out of pure coincidence, I happened to attend a workshop that was related to one of these techniques I currently teach. The untapped potential within me that was waiting for all these years just burst out like a volcano, and then began a journey of seriously seeking these modalities…or should I say, the modalities found me!

Today, I not only practice but also teach these techniques with an intention of widening its reach and making it accessible to genuine souls like you! So, what are these modalities and what benefits do they offer? Let’s delve into each of them so that you can decide what attracts you the most because each technique is a different route that will lead you to a final destination of inner peace!.

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