Master Numerologist

Master Numerologist


Numerology uses numbers to symbolize the vibrational patterns which make up our human experiences. Your date of birth, the date of marriage, your name, your room number…everything is connected to numbers and a right combination can gently sync you with the functioning of the universe.

Book a Numerology session:

We interact with numbers everyday but are often ignorant towards the power and the vibrations they contain. You can get your numerology charts made, find ‘your number’ and the readings associated with the numbers in your life.

Learn Numerology

Think of the universe as a system which upon decoding gives you certain numbers that form the foundation of our lives. Being a master in numerology, I assure you that learning numerology is like knowing what number to dial in order to connect and communicate with the universe!

To Book An Appointment Whats App on +91 9820728009
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