This most definitely is not true. The old traditions of fortune telling carried with it many superstitions and rituals that were largely baseless but continue to somehow linger on.

You can, and ought to buy your own tarot decks. If someone is going to buy you a tarot deck as a present, you should at least choose the deck you want. This is simply to make sure the tarot deck you work with (for yourself or others) should speak to you. You should enjoy its look and feel and want to pick it up and play with it

The most important thing to consider is that you will need 24 pieces (or 25 if you decide to include the blank rune) of whichever material you prefer and they all must have a similar size and shape. Also, they should be small enough so all of them fit in the palms of your hands.

In Astrology, it is believed that the Planets are not fixed and keep on influencing the subject throughout life. In Numerology it is believed that the Planets are fixed and whatever effect of the planet comes on the child at the time of Birth, it will be permanent. The accuracy level of Astrology is slightly higher as compared to Numerology.

At this time there is little scientific evidence suggesting that dreams can predict the future. Some research suggests that certain types of dreams may help predict the onset of illness or mental decline in the dream, however.

White magic is practiced through healing, blessing, charms, incantations, prayers, and songs. A white witch is a good witch: A white witch uses practical magic aimed toward the greater good, a modern witch with noble aims.

Yes I am .Spiritual healers utilize their own energy, angels, ancestors, crystals, amulets and ancient rituals to perform healing work on their clients. It is important to choose the right healer and insure that they are reputable. Spiritual healers that use their own vibrational energy when performing healing will leave a small portion of their energy in your aura, this is common with everything including relationships and friendships. You want to work with someone that is not only trustworthy but also happy and full of life, so that the transfer of energy is beneficial to you.