Occult Sciences Neelam Gheewala

Welcome, dear seeker! You reaching here is surely a sign from the universe… and I am elated to introduce you to my world…
  • A world full of magic and miracles…
  • A world of healing and manifesting…
  • A world full of infinite possibilities…
  • Welcome to the world of mystical angel!
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Our Services

We Specialize In

Tarot Reader

Tarot cards are a powerful form of divination that use an ancient deck of cards to help you find answers to the most important questions in life.

Master Numerologist

Numerology uses numbers to symbolize the vibrational patterns which make up our human experiences.

Angel Therapist

Angels are higher beings that are always around us, keen on helping us but we humans limit ourselves by not reaching out to them.

Runes Caster

Runes casting is simply an oracular divination method in which runes are laid out, or cast, either in a specific pattern or randomly,

Soul Healer

I am sure you try anything and everything when you are ill. When your body is ill, you take medicines and undergo treatments to heal it.

Dream Decoder

Ever wondered, why do you often see snakes or different animals in your dreams? Why most people experience dreams of falling off a cliff


White magic is exactly what it seems! The exact opposite of black magic, white magic relies on spells, techniques and rituals that are healing,

Face Reading

Have you ever felt a person’s emotions just by looking at their face? Our face is like a mirror to our soul and gazing at one’s face can easily tell

Experience Complete Energy Healing

Healing is a long journey in itself.
I believe in a wholesome approach by involving the, Body, Mind and soul all together. If you are looking to change the course of your life into a joyful and exuberant experience then this is the place to be.


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